Last weekend we went up to Midway with Tyler's family. It was so nice to just get away for a few days from our normal routine. We relaxed, watched movies, played games, walked, fished {well Ty did atleast; we watched}, snowmobiled, and sledded! It was great! Hunter loves to walk everywhere. He cracks me up!
He loves to play with sticks and rocks, and he loves hills and especially water!
Hunter loved to watch daddy fish!
Someday he'll be able to all by himself!
For now... still learning:)
Hunter loves animals! Doggies, horsies, and cows are at the top of his list lately. He makes their sounds randomly and all the time!
He loved every second while we were riding, but he hated to stop! Constantly... go, go, go! He is our little goer:) He did have a little crash though. Hunter loves to go on the sled all by himself so one of us would start him out and someone else would catch him at the bottom {obviously little, little hill}. The last little ride he did though, I sent him down and by then we had gone over the hill a few times with the snowmobile and it made it a little rough. I didn't think about it, and well Hunter hit a rough spot and out he went...face first:( He got some scratches and some bruises, but he wouldn't be all boy without the bumps and bruises right! I felt bad, but after two seconds of riding on the snowmobile again, he was ready to go! I love my little dude! Tyler and I were able to go on a long {2 1/2 hours actually} ride together with Brian and Carson on their sleds. It was so fun! I've actually never gone with Ty yet! Crazy since we've been married 2 1/2 years, we own a sled, and it's his favorite winter hobby:) Anyway, we had a blast! He's very daring, and it was a great adrenaline rush at times to say the least! I was a little sore the next day... good thing I have a free massage to use!
What a fun way to end off winter!